Trinity programme
Trinity Speech & Drama Programme
倫敦聖三一英詩證書班 小一面試人氣課程
每年度3月開課(11/12月考試) / 9月開課(明年5/6月考試) / 11月開課(明年7-8月考試)
外籍導師Fee: 請向中心職員查詢,Member Fee: 請向中心職員查詢
Trinity Speech & Drama programme is designed for students participating for the examination in May and November. Maximum 6 students per class. Trinity Drama assessments are recognized by the Qualifications & Curriculum Authority (QCA). A certificate will be issued with comments from a qualified British examiner. We are a registered Examination Center For Trinity Examination.
Result of Speech & Drama Graded Examination
- 100% Pass, 80% Distinction (本中心獲全港最高分數學生:98分)
(1) Young Performers’ Certificate 英語話劇證書 (age 3 - 7)
YPC is designed to develop confidence, enjoyment and achievement in children up to the age of seven through group interaction and performance. They encourage the integration of performance skills to create stories, roles and situations through imaginative use of movement, music and voice.
(2) Trinity Graded Examination in Speech & Drama
英詩朗誦證書級別考試( age 4 or above)
This is a solo performance examination which offers the candidate complete freedom of choice of performance items. The assessment may include acting, poetry speaking, sight reading, story telling, improvisation and discussion of drama theory.
(3) Communication Skill溝通技能試( age 4 or above)
This syllabus is suitable for children and adults, and has proved a popular resource for specialist communication teachers and tutors who have successfully used it to increase confidence and skill in all modes of speech communication, whether for social, professional or public situations.
Trinity English Conversation Class
Fee: 請向中心職員查詢 ,Member Fee: 請向中心職員查詢
This conversation class designed especially for children practice their speaking skills, with discussions, stories and activities, as well as presentations and debates for the older students. 5 - 6 children in a group allocated by age. It will develop speaking, pronunciation and self-confidence. Children are recommended to take the Trinity's Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) at a level that suits their English proficiency.
(4) Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)
英文口語考試 (age 5 - 18)
Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English are internationally recognized as one of the most prestigious series of English language examinations for testing speaking and listening skills. They take the form of a one to one conversation between the student and a highly qualified Trinity examiner who comes from the UK to conduct the assessment. The examinations provide an accurate and reliable assessment of a student’s ability communicate ace in English. There are twelve Grades.
G1: Age 4.5 or above G2: P.2 or above G3-G8: P.3 or above
Fee: 請向中心職員查詢 , Member Fee: 請向中心職員查詢